Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Writing ideas

It may seem like I'm spending many of my summer hours crafting away, but I have been very busy with educational "stuff" as well.  I tore apart my house looking for my Real Photo Post Cards for my It Conference workshop. I found them and have been arguing with my antique wireless connection my new wireless scanner, trying to scan them all into my Picasa account.  I will win!

I have also been preparing for my (and many of my teachers) endeavor into the Daily 5.  One area I am very excited about is the Work on Writing portion.  Writing is one area I believe students do not get enough practice in.  Considering this, why is it I can think of a million things to write about? When my mind fails, the internet is a bountiful provider.  Expository Essays based on  Snapple Facts, using writing prompts like those found at The Teacher's Corner Daily Writing Prompts, RAFTS generated from Northern Nevada Writing Project's WritingFix, and poem inspired writing like "Where I'm From" as well as countless other sites. 

Today one of my favorite bloggers (and professioanl inspiration and friend) posted a link to a creative writng game called Story Cubes. It looked like lots of fun so... of course I downloaded the iPhone app ($1.99), and I was off and running.  Every story I thought of was funny though...I wonder if I can write a serious one.  I can envision using this on the smart board, or on an iTouch in the writing center.  What do you think?

Now should I go make cards, or write???

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